...OW - colorfilled

GROW (Green Ow)

"Walk under the rainbow
Mallow in the meadow
Dance around the willow
Cheer with swallow and sparrow"

...dedicated to my hippie-spirit friends

BLOW (Blue Ow)

"Don't you narrow your eyebrow
May your heart always be mellow
May you never be yellow
Give your marrow when some borrow"

...dedicated to my souldrops

ROW (Red Ow)

"Take your bow and arrow
Allow them gods to hallow
Leave the hollow of sorrow
'cause there always is a morrow"

...dedicated to my WOLF

POW (Purple Ow)

"Be sweet as marshmallow
Follow your inner fellow
When you're low don't stop just row
Wonders in life do wow"

...dedicated to my child-spirit friends

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