Gül Baba street, Budapest
Gül Baba is known as the "Father of Roses" (his name in Turkish), and is said to have introduced the flower to the country. However, this is likely a misunderstanding of the metaphorical use of the term which referred to the dervish's status derived from his deep mystical knowledge of Allah. Roses, wild and domesticated, were already in Hungary by the time of the Ottoman invasion. He was an Ottoman Bektashi dervish poet and companion of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent who took part in a number of campaigns in Europe from the reign of Mehmed II onwards. | A Gül Baba utcában vagyok most egy pár napig, törökös házak, teraszkák, kertecskék, háztetőcskék, bazinagy macskakövecskék. Nagyon meredek a domboldal, Jumbow-val azon tűnődtünk, hogyan jártak itt a lovaskocsik? Hát megfejtettük. SEHOGY. |